Tuesday, June 26

Camp Design Sponge Review

Yesterday I went to Anthropologie to grab the summer Design Sponge newspaper, and boy am I glad I did. What a great inspiring publication to bring people back to those summer camp days. 

I was so inspired. For example, a blog that needs to be created that is based the girl scout badge theme. The blogger posts a project and when others do the project (with their own take on it), they post a picture and earn a (cute) badge that is sent through the mail. Feel free to take my idea so I can participate!
It also included this spot that's close to Chicago. It looks like a dream and I WILL stay there one day. 

 Finally, Derek and I did the puzzles together which was great fun. The paper made me ready to get my project on and the graphic design was super. Basically, I am telling you to pick it up today!

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