Wednesday, February 6


We took a short day trip to Nara, the old, old capital of Japan. While there isn't a whole lot to see in Nara, what there is, is pretty spectacular. There are tons of mangy deer that aren't afraid of people. It was fun to hear Derek talk incessantly about how dirty they are and how disgusting it is that people are touching them. Like a true Pennsylvanian, deer are nothing special.

But what is really a sight to see is the temple. It's gargantuan. Pictures will not do it justice and being there transports you back in time. I was in awe. Also, this one was rebuilt 900 years ago, before it was almost twice the size! faint
Can I serve you?

I'd like an ice cream please.
mmmm, garbage.

Just the door.

Ain't she a beaut? You are supposed to rub where your ailments are for health. 

The largest Buddha I've ever seen. 

A mini replica.

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