Tuesday, July 9

Bing soo!

I'm obessessed with bing soo. In Korea we are in the thick of summer. It's hot and humid and wet and really gross. I have limited A/C and sweat through most days, but what gets me through is bing soo. Imagine (if you can) a bed of shaved ice, a sweet red bean goo, a scoop of green tea ice cream, some chewy rice cakes and almonds to top it off. It may not appeal to some but it really is delicious. It's not too heavy and has a lotta taste going on. Not into red bean goo? Then go with the fresh fruit variety!

Be sure to mix it up before eating!

1 comment:

missvera said...

caroline, i love your blog. its adorable.
when i went to seoul for the month, i developed a huge addiction to bingsoo. and now that im in chicago, there arent any places to get it!