Wednesday, October 30

Andong Mask Festival

We have been keeping pretty busy these weekends. Both because we are trying to soak up the decent weather before winter descends on us and because after fall we are going into major saving mode to prepare ourselves for our journey back home. Anyways, this has made me fall behind on our weekend happenings.

First, we went to the Andong Mask and Dance festival about a month ago. It was interesting to see the traditional costumes and dances. We were especially lucky because we ran into our Korean friend Hoonmi! (she was not so lucky to run into us) She helped us understand the dance's meaning and the stories being told. Most stories are about the underdogs, or the corrupt Buddhists (I dunno why they were so corrupt) and about forbidden love. They basically hit all the best types of stories. Well here are the pictures.

These were strange automated rickshaw things? 

We all bought puppets and I chose the ol' lady who hits her back because it hurts. This is her partying later that night.

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