Wednesday, December 5

Making a House a Home

I loved decorating my apartment back in Chicago. It gave me such happiness and it's a great feeling when you  look around your home and feel good about what you've created. In Korea, I have a small studio with three types of awful wallpaper, yea three. I can't put anything on the walls and I don't really want to spend the money to make my apartment look the way I'd like. The lack of space for creativity makes me a bit sad but I have found a way to compensate, I have been decorating a dollhouse.

I found wooden furniture that I have been painting, I made rugs out of cork and paint and I've started making the actual house. I've been looking for some fabric scraps for bedding and upholstery too. I'll be excited to show off the finish product and will give a few updates along the way. Derek likens me to an old woman who goes home, paints her miniature furniture while watching her shows and drinking wine, and I have to say I like that picture.

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