Tuesday, December 4

Travel Tuesday: AirBnB

Have you ever heard of airBnB? It's where people but up extra bedrooms, cute camping vans and other unconventional places to stay on vacation. Derek and I have been perusing the sight the past few days and booked a place to stay in Tokyo, with what looks like an awesome couple, and in Osaka where we are staying at a place with a hot tub on the roof! I am sooooo ecstatic that a website like this exists.  
There are reviews for each spot so you know what you are getting into, and it costs about the same or less than a hotel/hostel. You also get the advantage of getting information from a local, perfect for figuring out what to eat and how transportation works. Also, I have to say it is much more appealing than sharing a 6 bed room with strangers. The AirBnB picks look awesome too. They have categories like tree houses, tents, VW vans and so many more. I don't know if I'll ever go back to using anything else again!

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