Tuesday, February 19


I'm finally finishing our trip to Japan. We took a day trip to Hiroshima to visit the Peace Museum and see a piece of history. It was obviously very somber and thought provoking. I think it's a must see if you visit Japan. I think the museum was wonderfully done. It was very unbiased through noting many of the atrocities during WWII, but has a clear mission to rid the world of nuclear weapons. Some of it was really hard to look at and it is awful to think that so many innocent civilians were killed, and even worse, most suffered for days before actually dying.
An original building left as a reminder.

I would also like to note that the mayor of Hiroshima writes a letter to the leader of each country after they do a nuclear test to ask them to please stop and get rid of their nuclear weapons. Of course, most are written to U.S. presidents and eight have already been written to Obama (Nine were written to G.W. Bush during his two terms).

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